Elementary World Language Teacher Summit

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Learn from the best in the field! Join us as we bring together 17 exceptional elementary educators and language teachers who will unveil their most effective and engaging strategies.

MODULE 1: Building Foundations in Language Acquisition

  1. Engaging Vocabulary Games for Early Elementary World Language Classrooms by Elizabeth Roberts
  2. Introducing Black History in Spanish Elementary School Classrooms by Jenniffer Whyte
  3. Beyond Language Exposure: Proficiency in Elementary and Middle School by Joshua Cabral
  4. Special Person from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade and Beyond by María Hinestroza
  5. How Partner Dialogues Boost Language Skills in Real Language Right Away by Denise Clivaz and Elizabeth Roberts
  6. BONUS SESSION: The Switch: Switching From Teaching for Learning to Teaching for Acquisition by Albert Fernández

MODULE 2: Sustaining and Innovating in Language Programs

  1. Sustainable Planning as a #deptof1 by Allison Wienhold
  2. Using Educational Robotics and Minecraft Education in the L2 Elementary Classroom by Dida Papalexiou
  3. T.A.L.K. Práctica: Talking Time. Accuracy. Listening. Kindness. by Claudia Langbehn
  4. Optimizing Spanish Language Acquisition with Musical Content in Elementary School by Carmen Reyes
  5. BONUS SESSION: Moving Away from Grammar-Based Teaching by Albert Fernández

MODULE 3: Engaging Students with Creative and Interactive Techniques

  1. Maximizing The Input Through Daily Routines In The Elementary Classroom by Carolina Gómez
  2. Moving and Grooving! Using Authentic Music by Noemí Rodríguez
  3. The Magic of Drama in the Elementary Classroom (TPRS) by Carmen Reyes
  4. Empowering Early Learners Through Engaging Topics and Activities by Carolina Gómez
  5. Creative Ways to Reach Apathetic Students Leading Them to Near-Native Fluency for Elementary, Middle, and High School by Trisha McMurray

MODULE 4: Storytelling as a Tool for Language Acquisition

  1. Story Asking and Creation in the Elementary Classroom by Rocío Jacoby
  2. Storytelling in the Language Classroom by Andrea Olatunji
  3. Tell Your Story: Using Stories in Elementary School Language Class by Albert Fernández
  4. Using Stories to Aid Language Acquisition by Carolina Gómez and Valentina Correa

MODULE 5: Enhancing Classroom Dynamics and Student Interaction

  1. Get The Conversation Started: Interpersonal Communication for Young Learners by Denise Clivaz and Elizabeth Roberts
  2. But I Only Teach Once a Week! Creating Memorable Experiences in FLES Programs by Albert Fernández
  3. A Framework For Effective Classroom Management In The Target Language by Julie Speno
  4. A Day in the Elementary CI Classroom: Routines and Strategies by Valentina Correa

Get permanent access to all 22 sessions, 2 bonus sessions, PD Certificate for 14 hours, and Elementary Teaching Tool Pack!

(Only $98.00)

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