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World Language Teacher Summit
SECTION 0 - WLTS Introduction
1. WLTS Introduction
2. WLTS Facebook Group
3. BONUS: WLTS Roadmap Download
4. WLTS Playbook Download
5. BONUS: WLTS Resource List Download
6. BONUS: PD Certificate Instructions
7. FAQ - Help & Frequently Asked Questions
SECTION 1 - Building Classroom Community
Inspiring Curiosity in the World Language Class by Megan Smith (34:41)
Mindfulness in the World Language Classroom by Lynn Ramsson (18:08)
Creating Community in the World Language Classroom by Diego Ojeda (57:05)
Empower Students: Give Them Words And A Mirror by Beckie Bray Rankin (50:21)
Don't Start with the Syllabus: Building Relationships in L2 by Nissa Quill (24:25)
A Day in the Elementary CI Classroom: Routines and Strategies by Valentina Correa (41:48)
Culturally Responsive Teaching in the World Language Classroom by Kelsey McGrath (36:27)
Building Community through Self-Assessment and Reflection by Tiffany Dalton López and Kimberly Clela Davis (48:14)
EFA: Edutaining Formative Assessment by Glenn Cake (12:49)
SECTION 2 - Leveraging the Interpretive Mode
How to Teach with Novels by Hélène Colinet (44:25)
Teaching The Textbook Through a CI Lens by Kaitlin Leppert (52:53)
Try Some Comprehensible Input by Allison Wienhold (38:46)
The Importance of Slow in the Comprehensible Input Classroom by Mila Garner (61:50)
CI with Non-readers by Elisabeth Alvarado (35:11)
The Switch: Switching From Teaching for Learning to Teaching for Acquisition by Albert Fernández (34:15)
Comprehensible Input Drawing for Non-Artists by Bryan Whitney (66:06)
Bringing Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) to World Languages by Brett Chonko (59:55)
SECTION 3 - Balancing a Teacher's Life
Setting Lesson and Unit Learning Outcomes by Tina Hargaden (26:47)
The Peaceful Teacher: A Guide to Teaching Mindfully (While Maintaining Your Sanity!) by Jason Bond (36:43)
Classroom Management, Comprehensible Input, and Proficiency Together: A High-Leverage Trifecta by Meredith White (78:18)
Routines for the World Language Classroom by Ashley Mikkelsen (31:06)
Grouping Students: Intentionally, Easily, and Fairly by Ben Bradshaw (23:06)
Effective and Efficient Grading Practices for Language Acquisition by Jodi Stokdyk (78:09)
Foldables are the Key to No-Prep Sanity by Bertha Delgadillo (37:34)
SECTION 4 - Planning Communicative Strategies
Engaging Students in the Interpersonal Mode by Lisa Shepard (54:09)
Beyond Language Exposure: Proficiency in Elementary and Middle School by Joshua Cabral (41:45)
Let's Give them Something to Chat About by Bethanie Drew (31:10)
The Making of the #MFLTwitterati Podcast: Tech Tips for Engagement by Noah Geisel & Joe Dale (57:13)
Get 'em Speaking: Activities and Strategies to Promote Speaking Proficiency by Sheri Plath (64:57)
BONUS SESSION: Using Centers To Get 'Em Speaking by Sheri Plath (53:55)
Student-Centered & Communicative Learning: Putting into Practice with Foreign Languages by Fadi Abughoush (41:06)
Using Comprehensible Input Strategies to Support ACTFL Core Practices by Erin Nienas and Zoe Witzeling (33:17)
World Language Strategies Through Intercultural Lenses by Tracy E. Rucker (41:02)
Enriching Students' Learning Through Authentic Videos and Inspiring Stories by Katherine Bluemel (18:19)
SECTION 5 - Teaching in Specific Contexts
Empowering Special Needs Students by Kristen Wolf (63:28)
Intercultural Competence with Younger Learners by Dorie Conlon Perugini (48:25)
Motivating Reluctant Language Learners by Emilie del Risco (35:45)
No, It’s Not Mexican Halloween: Holidays And Cultural Parallels by Stephanie Madison Schenck (49:54)
How To Manage Large Classes by Rachel Lucas (46:53)
A Framework For Effective Classroom Management In The Target Language by Julie Speno (57:30)
MurDEring Motivation: Disengagement Processes in Foreign Language Learning by Dr. María Méndez Santos (26:18)
Aligning Communication Skills from Level 1 to Advanced Placement by Thea Roessler (46:57)
Move Your Department Towards Effective Practices by Erin Nienas (32:25)
Pre-AP Strategies in the World Language Classroom by Lisa Podbilski (37:27)
SECTION 6 - 🛍️ Free Goodie Bag Downloads
GOODIE BAG 🛍️ Materials: The CI Umbrella: A Glossary of Terms
GOODIE BAG 🛍️ Presentation: CI with Non-readers by Elisabeth Alvarado
GOODIE BAG 🛍️ Materials: Los Pollitos Dicen Unit 1 by Elisabeth Alvarado
GOODIE BAG 🛍️ Presentation: A Day in the Elementary CI Classroom (Routines and Strategies) by Valentina Correa
GOODIE BAG 🛍️ Materials: A Day in the Elementary CI Classroom: Routines and Strategies by Valentina Correa
GOODIE BAG 🛍️ Materials: Chat Mats by Bethanie Drew
GOODIE BAG 🛍️ Presentation: Try Some Comprehensible Input by Allison Wienhold
GOODIE BAG 🛍️Materials: High Frequency Verbs Posters for Spanish Class by Allison Wienhold
GOODIE BAG 🛍️ Presentation: Empower Students: Give Them Words and a Mirror by Beckie Bray Rankin
GOODIE BAG 🛍️ Presentation: Using Centers to Get'Em Speaking by Sheri Plath
GOODIE BAG 🛍️ Presentation: Teaching The Textbook Through a CI Lens by Kaitlin Leppert
GOODIE BAG 🛍️Material: CI-ify Your Textbook by Kaitlin Leppert
GOODIE BAG 🛍️ Presentation: The Importance of Slow in the Comprehensible Input Classroom by Mila Garner
GOODIE BAG 🛍️ Materials: Speaking Latino's Cultural Calendar for Holidays And Cultural Parallels
GOODIE BAG 🛍️ Presentation: Empowering Special Needs Students by Kristen Wolf
GOODIE BAG 🛍️Materials: Moctezuma's Talking Stone by Kristen Wolf
GOODIE BAG 🛍️ Presentation: WL Strategies and Intercultural Lenses by Tracy Rucker
GOODIE BAG 🛍️ Presentation: No Prep Foldables Are The Key by Bertha Delgadillo
GOODIE BAG 🛍️Materials: 20 Ideas for Using Technology for MFL Teaching by Joe Dale
GOODIE BAG 🛍️Materials: Target Language Accountability Rubric by Joshua Cabral
GOODIE BAG 🛍️Materials: Tips for Classroom Management for Elementary Foreign Language Classes by Julie Speno
GOODIE BAG 🛍️Presentation: Using Comprehensible Input Strategies to support ACTFL Core Practices by Erin Nienas and Zoe Witzeling
GOODIE BAG 🛍️Materials: Calendar Talk - Spanish Class Video by Katherine Bluemel
GOODIE BAG 🛍️Materials: The Peaceful Teacher - Handout and Meditation by Jason Bond
GOODIE BAG 🛍️Presentation: Move Your Department Towards Effective Practices by Erin Nienas
GOODIE BAG 🛍️Materials: Cognitive Content Dictionary by Tina Hargaden
GOODIE BAG 🛍️Presentation: The SSR Handbook for World Languages by Brett Chonko
GOODIE BAG 🛍️Presentation: How to Manage Large Classes by Rachel Lucas
GOODIE BAG 🛍️Materials: Creating Community in the WL Classroom and Beginning the Year to Build Community by Diego Ojeda
GOODIE BAG 🛍️Materials: Reflections by Tiffany Dalton López and Kimberly Clela Davis
SECTION 7 - 🎧 BONUS: On-The-Go MP3 Presentation Audio Downloads
1. 🎧 BONUS: Building Classroom Community Sessions MP3 Audio Downloads
2. 🎧 BONUS: Leveraging the Interpretive Mode Sessions MP3 Audio Downloads
3. 🎧 BONUS: Balancing a Teacher's Life Sessions MP3 Audio Downloads
4. 🎧BONUS: Planning Communicative Strategies Sessions MP3 Audio Downloads
5. 🎧 BONUS: Teaching in Specific Contexts Sessions MP3 Audio Downloads
SECTION 8 - Bonus Sessions
World Language Teachers Q&A with Tina Hargaden (43:49)
Using Centers To Get 'Em Speaking by Sheri Plath (53:55)
SECTION 9 - Meet the Presenters Series
Kimberly Clela Davis and Tiffany Dalton Interview (27:00)
Fadi Abughoush Interview (17:05)
Brett Chonko Interview (21:30)
Diego Ojeda Interview (12:03)
Jason Bond Interview (23:14)
Katherine Bluemel Interview (19:22)
Erin Nienas Interview (16:57)
Beckie Bray Rankin Interview (23:45)
Kristine Wolf Interview (18:51)
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Effective and Efficient Grading Practices for Language Acquisition by Jodi Stokdyk
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